

package json

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class EmptyTypeHints() extends TypeHints with Product with Serializable

  2. class GsonInterfaceAdapter[T] extends JsonSerializer[T] with JsonDeserializer[T]

    Contains all functionality to com.

  3. class GsonMapAdapter extends JsonSerializer[Map[_, _]] with JsonDeserializer[Map[_, _]]

    Gson adapter used to serialize and serialize scala.collection.Map to and from JSON.

  4. case class GsonOptionAdapter() extends JsonSerializer[Option[_]] with JsonDeserializer[Option[_]] with Product with Serializable

    Gson adapter to be used to serialize and serialize scala.

  5. case class GsonSeqAdapter() extends JsonSerializer[Seq[_]] with JsonDeserializer[Seq[_]] with Product with Serializable

    Gson adapter to be used to serialize and serialize scala.collection.Seq to and from JSON with Gson.

  6. class GsonTypeAdapter extends JsonSerializer[TypeWrapper[_]] with JsonDeserializer[TypeWrapper[_]]

    Gson adapter to be used to serialize and serialize TypeWrapper to and from JSON with Gson.

  7. case class KnownTypes(typeToKeyMap: Map[Class[_], String]) extends TypeHints with Product with Serializable

    For known types, we store the type in JSON by a simple String key, which we map to and form the class.

  8. trait TypeHints extends AnyRef

  9. case class TypeWrapper[T](value: T) extends Product with Serializable

    To be used as a wrapper for interfaces.

Value Members

  1. object JsonUtil

    Utility for Gson augmented with type adapters and known types shorthand.
