

package templates

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. abstract class SparkDataFrameGUINode[Job <: SparkDataFrameJob] extends TemplatedSparkDataFrameGUINode[HdfsTabularDataset]

    Control the GUI of your Spark job, through this you can specify any visualization for the output of your job, and what params the user will need to specify.

  2. abstract class SparkDataFrameJob extends TemplatedSparkDataFrameJob[DataFrame, HdfsTabularDataset]

    Job base for Spark plugin jobs taking and returning DataFrames.

  3. abstract class SparkDataFrameRuntime[JobType <: SparkDataFrameJob] extends SparkRuntimeWithIOTypedJob[JobType, HdfsTabularDataset, HdfsTabularDataset]

    A class controlling the runtime behavior of your plugin.

  4. abstract class TemplatedSparkDataFrameGUINode[StorageType <: IOBase] extends OperatorGUINode[HdfsTabularDataset, StorageType]

    Control the GUI of your Spark job, through this you can specify any visualization for the output of your job, and what params the user will need to specify.

  5. abstract class TemplatedSparkDataFrameJob[ReturnType, OutputType <: IOBase] extends SparkIOTypedPluginJob[HdfsTabularDataset, OutputType]

    Templated base for Spark plugin jobs operating on DataFrames.

  6. abstract class TemplatedSparkDataFrameRuntime[JobType <: TemplatedSparkDataFrameJob[_, O], O <: IOBase] extends SparkRuntimeWithIOTypedJob[JobType, HdfsTabularDataset, O]
