Use in the GUINode: Adds the schema drop down box, "outputSchema" to the operatorDialog and returns the DialogElement
Use in the GUINode: Adds the schema drop down box, "outputSchema" to the operatorDialog and returns the DialogElement
For use with database, not HDFS.
For use with database, not HDFS.
From the 'onExecution' method's parameters. This method adds the parameters to this object.
boolean indicating default value of the parameter. True for "Yes", false for "No".
The dialog element added.
Adds parameters to your operator to allow the user to determine how the output of the database operator will be written.
Adds parameters to your operator to allow the user to determine how the output of the database operator will be written. This method adds the following parameters. -- "viewOrTable": a radio button which lets the user choose whether to store the output as a view or a table -- "outputSchema": a drop down with all the defined schemas in the database, so that the user can pick their output schema. -- "dropIfExists" : Inherited from the super class. A radio button so the user can select to drop the output table/view if it already exists or throw an exception. -- "outputName" : The name of the output table. The default is the userID+the workflow name + the operator UUID
From the 'onExecution' method's parameters. This method adds the parameters to this object.
Optional. If you would like the default output to be something other than "tmpTable"
A sequence of each of the parameters that were created and added to the operatorDialog
Static values which will be used as parameter keys
Static values which will be used as parameter keys
Use in the runtime class: Gets the value of "outputSchema" parameter
Use in the runtime class: Gets the value of "outputSchema" parameter
OperatorParameters instance [containing the "outputSchema" parameter].
the output schema name
if the parameter wasn't added to the parameters object
Gets the value of the dropIfExists parameter, returning true if the String value is "Yes", false if it is a different value or missing.
Gets the value of the dropIfExists parameter, returning true if the String value is "Yes", false if it is a different value or missing.
OperatorParameters instance [containing the dropIfExists parameter].
Boolean representation of the dropIfExists parameter.
Use in the runtime class: Gets the value of "isViewOrTable" parameter and returns true if the user set the radio button to "view"
Use in the runtime class: Gets the value of "isViewOrTable" parameter and returns true if the user set the radio button to "view"
OperatorParameters instance [containing the "viewOrTable" parameter].
if the user selected "view"
if the parameter wasn't added to the parameters object
Gets the value of the overwrite parameter, returning true if the String value is "true", false if it is a different value or missing.
Gets the value of the overwrite parameter, returning true if the String value is "true", false if it is a different value or missing.
OperatorParameters instance [containing the overwrite parameter].
Boolean representation of the overwrite parameter.
Gets the value of the table name parameter.
Gets the value of the table name parameter. Note: In in PostgresSQL database names containing capital letters will need to be double quoted.
OperatorParameters instance [containing the "resultTableName" parameter].
the output table name
if the parameter wasn't added to the parameters object
Use in the GUINode: Adds the schema drop down box, "outputSchema" to the operatorDialog and returns the DialogElement
Use in the GUINode: Adds the schema drop down box, "outputSchema" to the operatorDialog and returns the DialogElement