The dependent value that the coefficients correspond to.
The coefficients for the single Logistic Regression model.
The constant term, that is added to the dot product of the feature coefficient vectors.
The constant term, that is added to the dot product of the feature coefficient vectors.
The coefficients for the single Logistic Regression model.
The dependent value that the coefficients correspond to.
Represents a SingleLogisticRegression to be used as one of several in a MultiLogisticRegressionModel.
We use java.lang.Double for the type of the numeric values, because the scala Double type information is lost by scala/Gson and the deserialization fails badly for edge cases (e.g. Double.NaN).
The dependent value that the coefficients correspond to.
The coefficients for the single Logistic Regression model.
The constant term, that is added to the dot product of the feature coefficient vectors.