case classClusterInfo(name: String, centroid: Seq[Double]) extends Product with Serializable
Representation of a single cluster.
We use java.lang.Double for the type of the numeric values, because the scala Double type information
is lost by scala/Gson and the deserialization fails badly for edge cases (e.g. Double.NaN).
Name used to distinguish this cluster from others in the same model.
A vector representation of the cluster in orthogonal coordinates.
Linear Supertypes
Serializable, Serializable, Product, Equals, AnyRef, Any
Representation of a single cluster.
We use java.lang.Double for the type of the numeric values, because the scala Double type information is lost by scala/Gson and the deserialization fails badly for edge cases (e.g. Double.NaN).
Name used to distinguish this cluster from others in the same model.
A vector representation of the cluster in orthogonal coordinates.