

package core

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class ChorusDBSourceInfo(name: String, id: Int) extends Product with Serializable

  2. case class ChorusUserInfo(userID: String, userName: String, sessionID: String) extends Product with Serializable


  3. trait ExecutionContext extends AnyRef

    The context for a plugin execution.

  4. case class NotebookDetails(readyToExecuteDB: Boolean, readyToExecuteHD: Boolean, useSpark: Boolean, inputsMetadata: Map[String, NotebookIOInfo], outputsMetadata: Map[String, NotebookIOInfo]) extends Product with Serializable

  5. abstract class NotebookIOForExecution extends AnyRef

    Created by emiliedelongueau on 7/4/17.

  6. case class NotebookIOInfo(dataSourceName: String, isHdfsInput: Boolean, delimiter: String, quote: String, escape: String, columns: Seq[(String, String)], usesSpark: Boolean, inputName: Option[String]) extends Product with Serializable

  7. case class NotebookInputDBForExecution(executionLabel: String, tableName: String, schemaName: String, databaseName: String) extends NotebookIOForExecution with Product with Serializable

  8. case class NotebookInputHDForExecution(executionLabel: String, path: String, header: Boolean, delimiter: Option[String], quote: Option[String], escape: Option[String], columnNames: Seq[String], columnTypes: Seq[String]) extends NotebookIOForExecution with Product with Serializable

  9. case class NotebookOutputDBForExecution(executionLabel: String, tableName: String, schemaName: String, databaseName: String, overwrite: Boolean) extends NotebookIOForExecution with Product with Serializable

  10. case class NotebookOutputHDForExecution(executionLabel: String, outputPath: String, delimiter: Option[String], quote: Option[String], escape: Option[String], overwrite: Boolean, storageFormat: Option[String]) extends NotebookIOForExecution with Product with Serializable

  11. abstract class OperatorGUINode[I <: IOBase, O <: IOBase] extends AnyRef

    :: AlpineSdkApi :: Control the behavior of the operator GUI node within the editor.

  12. trait OperatorListener extends AnyRef

    A listener can be used to pass messages from the plugin operators to the UI console.

  13. case class OperatorMetadata(name: String, category: String, author: Option[String], version: Int, helpURL: Option[String], icon: Option[OperatorIcon], toolTipText: Option[String], usesJavascript: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable

    :: AlpineSdkApi :: Object that is returned by the "get metadata" method in the plugin signature class.

  14. trait OperatorParameters extends Serializable

    :: AlpineSdkApi :: Interface for accessing the parameter values for an operator.

  15. abstract class OperatorRuntime[CTX <: ExecutionContext, I <: IOBase, O <: IOBase] extends AnyRef

    :: AlpineSdkApi :: A separate instance of operator plugin runtime gets instantiated for each 'run' of the workflow (or a 'step-run').

  16. abstract class OperatorSignature[G <: OperatorGUINode[_ <: IOBase, _ <: IOBase], R <: OperatorRuntime[_ <: ExecutionContext, _ <: IOBase, _ <: IOBase]] extends AnyRef

    :: AlpineSdkApi :: Bundles operator types and metadata used to host the operator in the running system.

  17. case class OperatorStatus(isValid: Boolean, msg: Option[String], outputMetadata: IOMetadata) extends Product with Serializable

    This is the required return type for the onInputOrParameterChange function in OperatorGUINode class.

  18. case class PythonNotebook(chorusFile: ChorusFile, userModifiedAt: String, serverStatus: String) extends Product with Serializable

  19. case class PythonNotebookExecution(notebookId: String, executionId: String, status: String, response: Option[String], error: Option[String], isFinished: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable

  20. case class WorkflowInfo(workflowID: String) extends Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object OperatorCategories

  2. object OperatorMetadata extends Serializable

  3. object OperatorStatus extends Serializable

  4. package annotation

  5. package config

  6. package datasource

  7. package db

  8. package dialog

  9. package icon

  10. package io

  11. package serialization

  12. package spark

  13. package utils

  14. package visualization
