

package plugin

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class AugmentedTabularMetadata(tabularSchema: TabularSchema, originalMetadata: TabularIOMetadata) extends TabularIOMetadata with Product with Serializable

    Used when the original metadata produced by the operator had a partial schema.

  2. case class EmptyIOMetadata() extends IOMetadata with Product with Serializable

    Used when the operator has no information to pass along.

  3. trait OperatorDesignContext extends AnyRef

  4. class OperatorDesignContextImpl extends OperatorDesignContext

    Contains information that the operator may need in OperatorGUINode#getOperatorStatus.

  5. trait TabularIOMetadata extends IOMetadata

    Used to pass along column and data source information when the data-source is expected to be tabular.

  6. case class TabularIOMetadataDefault(tabularSchema: TabularSchema, datasource: DataSource) extends TabularIOMetadata with Product with Serializable

    The default class for pass along TabularSchema and data-source information.

Value Members

  1. package core

  2. package generics

  3. package model

  4. package test

  5. package util
